Virtual Reality Capabilities of Graphics Engines

Winter School of Computer Graphics (WSCG 2013)

Edward Peek, Burkhard Wünsche, Christof Lutteroth

Desktop virtual reality has traditionally been the dominant display technology for consumer-level 3D computer graphics. Recently more sophisticated technologies such as stereoscopy and head-mounted displays have become more widely available. However, most 3D software is still only designed to support desktop VR, and must be modified to both technically support these displays and also to follow the best practices for their use.

In this paper we evaluate modern 3D game/graphics engines and identify the degree to which they accommodate output to different types of affordable VR displays. We show that stereoscopy is widely supported, either natively or through existing adaptions. Other VR technologies such as head-mounted displays, head-coupled perspective (and consequentially fish-tank VR) are rarely natively supported. However, we identify and describe some methods, such as re-engineering, by which support for these display technologies can be added.